

SU的学校即将完蛋了!!!SU校长千年水鬼发火了!!! 臭SU千年水鬼竟然把我们的好老师派到一个东一个西。 那些白痴又不会教的又不看他派走,留下来学校摆美啊???。气死我了!!! 真替我的好老师可怜及悲哀。。。都不知道这个烂校长的心是怎样的,竟然一天内把七个老师派派派到天涯海角, 不让他们相聚, 真是最毒妇人心。 那些忠诚他的校狗, 一个都没派走。看来这间SU学校生命期不久咯!
还有还有SU学校的Visi也要改了, 改成
SU akan menjadi pendidikan bertaraf dunia yang terendah dan akan pupus pada tahun 2010.
到是报纸和新闻都会有一个头条:“SU 学校竟然倒闭??? 都是归功于千年水鬼。。。” 到时我一定很开心。
我看不只visi 要改, 连SU学校的同学们也要改咯!整天都扣分扣分扣分!!!好像要把我们赶走到完才甘愿。 我看啊, 她是想把我们赶走, 找一些狗来读书吧。。。(因该不只狗, 猪牛羊也会来吧), 到是应该会更出名。hahaha...

老师们, 我们一起来期待千年水鬼的死期吧!!!老师, 不需要等很久了, 应为死神已经在半路了。。。


Mother's day...

Tis year, we celebrate mother's day a bit late, but... nvm la, hav heart ma can lo.
We had went 2 Kim Gary n celebrate... We had ordered a cup of kiwi ice (tis is my favorite food in kim gary), a plate of unagi fish rice, a plate of westen food(i dunno call wat)... veli nice n a plate of 4 piece chicken. Hapi hapi...



2day went 2 opposite the ecosave wan MCD there n study. There have many many people especially 12pm-3pm, many until no place 2 sit...

There got 1 little cute boy about 3 to 4 years old, he sit beside the table. When we study, he suddenly throw a tissue paper 2 our table n the 2nd time, he throw a f.fried with tomato sauce 2 us n kena Chai lin activity book... Chai Lin veli angry n say she wan 2 bit him but ying wei say he is juz a little boy nia, nvm la. After that, his brother go n tell his mother, his mother veli angry n call him 2 say soli n he veli scare n call mami bu yao, mami bu yao, we laugh until can't stop...hahaha

A luv shape chicken with chilly sauce
ice-cream... nice